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Munich Security Conference: Admiral Paparo’s Stark Message on US National Security & CCP’s Challenge

February 20, 2024/

Munich Security Conference: Admiral Paparo’s Stark Message on US National Security & CCP’s Challenge Introduction on Munich Security Conference: The Munich Security Conference, held annually in Germany, is a prominent forum for global leaders to discuss pressing international security issues. The 2023 conference was marked by a significant presence of Chinese delegates, eager…

Houthis: CENTCOM Intercepts Iranian Weapons Shipment, Exposing Iran’s Malign Activity

February 16, 2024/

Houthis: CENTCOM Intercepts Iranian Weapons Shipment, Exposing Iran’s Malign Activity Introduction of Houthis The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) recently announced the interception of a shipment of Iranian-origin weapons and military equipment bound for Houthi rebels in Yemen. This significant development underscores America’s growing concern over Iran’s continued support for the Houthis and…

National Security Analysis: The Most Pressing Threats Facing America: A Deep Dive into Recent Events

February 15, 2024/

National Security Analysis: The Most Pressing Threats Facing America: A Deep Dive into Recent Events Introduction on National Security Analysis National security is the protection of a nation from external and internal threats. It is a complex and multifaceted issue that encompasses a wide range of factors, including military strength, economic stability, and…

China Espionage Europe: The Latest Report from the Norwegian Warns CCP Spies Are “All Over Europe”

February 14, 2024/

China Espionage Europe: The Latest Report from the Norwegian Warns CCP Spies Are “All Over Europe” Introduction on China Espionage Europe In a bombshell report, Norway’s intelligence agency has exposed the alarming extent of China’s espionage activities in Europe. The report reveals that Chinese spies are “all over Europe,” operating through a vast…

Yang Hengjun: Senior Spy for China’s MSS, Still Active

February 14, 2024/

Senior Spy for China’s MSS, Still Active Introduction In the shadowy realm of espionage, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wields a formidable network of operatives, infiltrating foreign societies and gathering sensitive intelligence. Among these agents, Yang Hengjun stands out as a figure of intrigue and deception. This exposé delves into the intricate web…

US Senate Hearing Josh Hawley Questions McKinsey’s Role in Endangering National Security

February 8, 2024/

US Senate Hearing Josh Hawley Questions McKinsey’s Role in Endangering National Security Introduction Hello, and welcome to Liberty Of Voice, your trusted source for in-depth analysis of current affairs. Today, we’ll delve into a highly significant development that sheds light on the growing scrutiny of American companies’ involvement with Chinese state-owned enterprises. The…

Poland preparing for threat of war with Russia, defense minister says. Houthi Attacks, Proxy Battles

February 7, 2024/

Poland preparing for threat of war with Russia, defense minister says. Houthi Attacks, Proxy Battles Introduction: The geopolitical landscape is witnessing a surge in tensions as Poland prepares for a potential military confrontation with Russia, while Houthi rebels launch attacks on merchant vessels, escalating regional conflicts. This article delves into these developments, analyzing…

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