James Breyer CCP & The Mysterious Death of Zhao Angji: A Critical Analysis

James Breyer CCP & The Mysterious Death of Zhao Angji: A Critical Analysis

Introduction on James Breyer CCP

On February 12, 2024, Zhao Angji, the younger sister of former U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, was found dead in a pond on a private ranch in Blanco, Texas. The initial reports indicated that she had died in a car accident, but the Zhao family has remained silent on the specific circumstances surrounding her death.

However, on February 15, 2024, a U.S. politician in Austin, Texas, citing sources within the Blanco County Sheriff’s Office, revealed that Zhao Angji’s death is believed to have been a drowning after she drove her car in reverse into the pond.

This revelation has raised a number of questions, as it contradicts the initial reports of a car accident. Some have speculated that Zhao Angji’s death may have been a suicide, while others have suggested that it may have been an accident caused by foul play.

One commentator, who has been following the case closely, believes that Zhao Angji’s death may have been a targeted assassination carried out by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The commentator points to the fact that Zhao Angji’s family has close ties to the CCP and that her husband, James Breyer, is a co-founder of IDG Ventures, a venture capital firm that has been designated as a Chinese military company by the U.S. Department of Defense.

James Breyer and the CCP

James Breyer is a prominent venture capitalist and philanthropist. He is the co-founder and former CEO of IDG Ventures, one of the world’s largest venture capital firms. Breyer has invested in a number of successful tech companies, including Facebook, Uber, and Airbnb.

Breyer has also been a vocal supporter of the CCP. In 2018, he gave a speech at Tsinghua University in Beijing in which he praised the CCP’s leadership and called for closer cooperation between the United States and China.

Breyer’s ties to the CCP have raised concerns among some U.S. officials. In 2021, the U.S. Department of Defense designated IDG Ventures as a Chinese military company. This designation means that U.S. investors are prohibited from investing in IDG Ventures.

The Mysterious Death of Zhao Angji

Zhao Angji was a Chinese-born American citizen. She was the younger sister of Elaine Chao, who served as U.S. Secretary of Transportation under President Donald Trump.

Zhao Angji’s death is still under investigation. However, the commentator believes that she may have been targeted by the CCP because of her family’s close ties to the Chinese government.

The commentator points to the fact that Zhao Angji’s husband, James Breyer, is a co-founder of IDG Ventures, which has been designated as a Chinese military company. The commentator also notes that Zhao Angji’s father-in-law, Richard Breyer, is a former U.S. ambassador to China.

The commentator believes that Zhao Angji may have had access to sensitive information about the CCP’s activities in the United States. He argues that her death may have been an attempt to silence her.


The death of Zhao Angji is a complex and mysterious event. The commentator’s analysis provides one possible explanation for her death, but it is important to remember that this is just one theory. The true circumstances surrounding her death may never be known.

However, the commentator’s analysis does raise some important questions about the CCP’s activities in the United States. It is clear that the CCP has close ties to some of America’s most powerful and influential people. It is also clear that the CCP is willing to use whatever means necessary to protect its interests.

The death of Zhao Angji is a reminder that the CCP is a serious threat to the United States. We must be vigilant in our efforts to protect our national security and our way of life.

1. https://twitter.com/RFA_Chinese/status/1758902890180055509 (前美国交通部、劳工部部长赵小兰的妹妹、福茂集团董事长兼执行长赵安吉(Angela Chao)2月12日意外离世。多家媒体报道是车祸所致,但赵家对具体情况保持缄默,坊间各种猜测。)

2. https://twitter.com/Jkylebass/status/1757766113792844062 (Angela Chao’s death at a private Texas ranch in Blanco, County is suspicious. ‼️ Chao entered her Tesla and backed into a pond on the ranch and passed away. Chao, almost certainly a high-ranking member of the Communist Parry of China (she sat the board of state-owned)

3. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chinese-foreign-minister-says-trying-123346941.html (Chinese foreign minister says trying to cut his country out of trade)

4. Click here for more from Liberty Of Voice


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